9 Essential Face Packs for Skin Whitening That Works Wonder

Milk powder and lime juice face pack 
If you have an oily skin then you can use milk powder with lime juice to get a potential fair skin tone. Add one tablespoon of milk powder with a punch of lime juice and stir to medium consistency. Apply this pack on a cleansed face and rinse it after 20 minutes. This pack is also good for dark spots along with whitening the skin.
Tomato and yogurt whitening pack 
Tomato is the main cause for Hungarian women to look absolutely fair. You can mix some yogurt with the tomato pulp available always at home. Apply this pack on your face and wash after it dries. This acts as mild bleaching agent on the skin.

Tea water, rice flour and honey face pack 
You need one cup of tea water, two table spoon of rice flour and half table spoon of honey. Mix all these ingredients and massage this scrubbing mask on your face in a circular motion. Let it dry for about 15 minutes and you can wash it with cold water. This removes the debris on your skin and you get a fair skin tone.
Sandalwood pack 
This is a special face pack used for skin whitening. Just mix the sandalwood powder with rose water and apply it on your face. Allow the paste to dry on your face for about 15 minutes. Then wash the paste with cool water and you will immediately see the amazing results.
Potato pulp natural face pack 
Potato is highly rich in vitamin C and acts as natural skin whitening agent. Just grate some potatoes and apply them on your face, allowing the juice to be absorbed by your skin. After about 20 minutes you can rinse it in cold water. Follow this procedure regularly and you will have a bright and smooth skin.
Bread crumbs and milk cream face mask 
Milk cream is a great ingredient to get a glowing and fair skin. Adding bread crumbs to the milk cream makes it as a great scrubbing agent. Mix the bread crumbs and milk cream and scrub it well on your skin. Clean it after 15 minutes to get a fair skin tone.
Buttermilk and flower blossom face mask 
Add three tablespoon of flower blossom to one cup of buttermilk and let it heat on low flame for about 30 minutes. After the mixture is cooled down you can apply it on your face using cotton plugs. This face mask helps to cleanse the pores and remove excess oils by giving a fair skin.
Walnut powder and milk cream face pack 
Mix two tablespoon of walnut powder, one tablespoon of milk cream and one tablespoon of lemon juice in a bowl. Scrub your face well and leave it for 20 minutes to rest on. Wash the pack with lukewarm water and this removes all the dirt and dead cells on your skin.
Jasmine flower face mask 
Crush and mash the jasmine flowers into a paste and mix some yogurt to it. Apply this mask and leave it for about 15 minutes on your skin to absorb. This face pack is great for sensitive skin and you get a wonderful glow from it.
So, don’t you think it’s a great deal to use all the natural stuff available at home and make a face pack out of it? You will get a whiter complexion and pigmentation free skin if you follow these methods on a regular basis.
