A Green Bomb: This Drink Can Help You Burn 4 Pounds of Belly Fat in a Few Days! (RECIPE)

When you usually read articles about losing weight, you can find that you should avoid consuming bananas. But this is not true! The bananas are one of the most adorable fruits during the weight loss process because they are rich with potassium. If you prepare it in a combination with flax and spinach it will remove the excess water in your body and it will accelerate your metabolism.

Bananas are excellent source of energy because of the sucrose, fructose and glucose in their content. They are a powerful natural appetite suppressants, and also very rich in fiber and many others nutrients. They can be a basic ingredient in many fat burning beverages, such as beverages that are prepared with: berries, flax and spinach. This will give your body essential minerals and vitamins. 

A current research shows that more than 40 % of people are suffering from obesity in the United States in past three decades. Basically, 40% of American population is not a big number; it is an “alarm number” for a quick solution! The modern industry offers on the market numerous weight loss products which have taken full advantage of this problem and a great popularity among Americans only to profit. These supplements are generally ineffective and what’s even more terrific – they are harmful.

Luckily, many people have started turning towards natural remedies in order to solve this problem. Health practitioners claim that returning the body its natural balance is the first step to be taken when starting to lose weight. According to them, the body will return to a normal weight once it is healthy and balanced, and this can only be achieved when fruits, vegetables and herbs are used to rebalance the body.

Therefore, we suggest the banana drink recipe and its nutritional facts, in order to know what you drink. 

§  1 frozen ripe banana;
§  1 tablespoon of grated ginger;
§  A cup of frozen blueberries;
§  2 tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed;
§  Half of a cup of baby spinach and some ice.  

You only blend all the ingredients together, and this healthy smoothie can replace your breakfast, lunch or dinner. The best time to consume this drink is the morning. It will give you energy for the rest of the day thanks to its nutrients and health benefits.   
Nutritional Benefits of the Ingredients    

Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B6 and contain moderate amounts of vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber.  Ripe bananas were also found to contain serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

Although bananas are commonly thought to supply exceptional potassium content, it actually is relatively low compared to some other common foods such as beans, milk, apricots, carrots, bell peppers and sweet potatoes.
Banana ingestion may affect dopamine production in people deficient in the amino acid tyrosine, a dopamine precursor present in bananas. Individuals with a latex allergy may experience a reaction to bananas. 

Ginger is another ingredient in the banana drink with powerful medicinal properties, which improve your metabolism and suppress your appetite. Historically, ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. In herbal medicine, ginger is regarded as an excellent carminative (a substance which promotes the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytic (a substance which relaxes and soothes the intestinal tract). Modern scientific research has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory effects.   

Blueberries in the popular press, have reached superstar status in terms of their unique health benefits. While we prefer to think of the entire World’s Healthiest Foods as rightful superstars, we can understand many of the special accolades being given to this wonderful berry. Most health research on blueberries involves their phytonutrient content. 

Anthocyanins – the colorful antioxidant pigments that give many foods their wonderful shades of blue, purple, and red – are usually the first phytonutrients to be mentioned in descriptions of blueberries and their amazing health-supportive properties. While it is true anthocyanins are pretty spectacular when it comes to blueberries and their support of our body systems, there are actually a wide variety of health support phytonutrients found in blueberries. 

The seeds of most plants are rich in nutrients and can provide us with health benefits. Yet flaxseeds are also nutritionally unique and offer us health benefits not found across the board within the seeds food group. The nutritional uniqueness of flaxseeds features three nutrient aspects, and all three play a key role in the outstanding health benefits of this food. 
We all know that Popeye is super strong by eating spinach, but you may be surprised to learn that he may also have been helping to protect himself against inflammatory problems, oxidative stress-related problems, cardiovascular problems, bone problems, and cancers at the same time.

As conclusion, the results are different in different people. Many people who tried the drink lost 2-4 pounds within a few days. However, it is questionable whether these pounds were water weight or actual fat loss. Also, at least one dieter reported improvement of skin quality, as well.
