Put Baking Soda Under Your Eyes And Something Unbelievable Will Happen

We all know about the great benefits of Baking Soda. Many use it in cosmetics , when cleaning the house, when cooking … However , women prefer its benefits about beauty.
The most effective face mask containing baking soda.

The recipe that we bring you today will remove dark circles from your face . Lack of sleep and problems will disappear only by applying Baking Soda.

Baking Soda will remove the dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Make a solution: Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water or tea and mix well.Soak Cotton swabs and place them under the eyes and let it stay for 10-15 minutes .
Then rinse it and apply moisturizer and admire yourself in the mirror.

Source: http://www.cuisineandhealth.com/
