Tomatoes have natural bleaching and whitening property that helps to lighten up your skin. It is rich in vitamin C and has astringent property that makes it as a best remedy for treating the black skin, especially for the people who suffers from the acne prone or oily skin. This tomato has natural acidic composition that balances the pH of the skin to prevent the excessive oil and makes it look bright. Not only these benefits but also tomato contains anti-oxidant property which fights against the free radicals that in turn helps you to maintain younger looking skin. So you have to try this tomato remedy and have a look on how to use this tomato to lighten up your skin naturally.
Method – 1:
1 Tomato
Take a tomato (preferably small) and grate it to extract its pulp.
Then take this pulp into your hands and apply this on all over the skin where you have dark discoloration on the skin.
Allow it to dry completely for few minutes and then apply another coating of this pulp on the same applied skin.
Do the same process of reapply this pulp on the skin for about 15 – 25 minutes
After completing the reapplication process, massage the applied area gently for a minute or two.
Rinse it with water and do this daily to get rid of the dark pigmentation slowly on the skin.
Method – 2:
Tomato juice – 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice – few drops
Small bowl
Take a small bowl and add tomato juice and lemon juice in it.
Mix it well and apply this mixed juice on the skin particularly on the face and neck
Let it sit for 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse it with water
But make sure that this mixed juice will cause some stinging or burning sensation on the skin, if you have sensitive skin. Then you have to mix a little water to this tomato – lemon juice before applying this on the skin.
This process has to be continued regularly to get complete relief from the dark skin.
Method – 3:
This process is especially beneficial for the people who have dark skin that caused due to sunburn.
Tomato juice – 2 teaspoons
Buttermilk – 4 tablespoons
Cotton ball
Take a bowl and add tomato juice and buttermilk in it
Mix it well and apply this on the face, neck and other dark parts of skin with the help of either cotton ball or your fingers.
Allow it to sit for about 30 – 40 minutes and then rinse it thoroughly to remove the applied
Follow this process whenever you suffer from skin darkness caused due to sunburn.
Method – 4:
This process is used to treat the skin darkness on the people who have mixed or combination skin.
Tomato – 1
Avocado – 1
Warm water
Take small tomato and small avocado
First extract the avocado pulp and then mash the tomato in avocado pulp
Add both the ingredients extract by mixing it well
Apply this mixture on the face and other dark skin parts
Leave it on for about 30 – 45 minutes and rinse it warm water.
Repeat this regularly to get lighten the skin naturally.
Method – 5:
Tomato – 1
Yogurt – 2 tablespoons
Take a tomato (a small one) and mash it to extract its pulp.
Then add yogurt to it and mix it well
Apply this on the face and neck and leave it for 20 – 30 minutes
Wash it with water and repeat this process as needed to get rid of the dark skin problem.
Or you can also add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal in this tomato – yogurt mixture and apply this on the dark patches
Let it sit for 20 – 30 minutes and then wash it with lukewarm water and try t repeat this everyday till you get brighter skin tone.