Home Remedies For Skin Whitening (Lemon Juice)

Every one either men or women have the desire to have fair and flawless skin. Skin is an important part that acts as a barrier and a protective cover from the body parts to the outside environment. The color of the skin mainly depends on the pigment called melanin and other factors. Melanin is produced in the skin cells called melanocytes. If this melanocytes produces more of melanin pigment in the skin then you have darker skin. Or in certain times, your skin tone become darker due to tanning which result from exposure to sun rays as these UV rays damages the skin and makes it darker.

Prolonged exposure to polluted air, hormonal imbalances, heavy usage of cosmetics, ageing, unbalanced diet, stress, heredity, certain environmental factors, dry skin, genetic, some medical conditions, improper lifestyle choices, etc. are some of the other causes for dark skin.

Here are some effective natural home remedies that help to lighten the skin naturally by restricting the melanin production in the skin. But also make sure to have some personal skin care other than following these home remedies.

Home Remedies to Lighten the Skin Naturally:

Using chemical – loaded cosmetics for lightening the skin tone will cause certain harm to the skin in the long run and these are very expensive too. So if you to lighten up the skin without any much more cost then try these easy available natural home remedies which brighten the skin and gives its natural glow that makes you look gorgeous.

1. Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice contains natural astringent property that helps to tighten up the pores and this reduces the sebum secretion. It has natural bleaching property that bleaches the skin to whiten its complexion with its natural acidic composition. Vitamin C which is a rich content in lemon juice helps for new skin cells development or growth. Also lemons are rich in anti-oxidants that help you to get fair skin complexion. So all these properties of lemon will make you look beautiful with bright skin by clearing the dullness on the skin.

Method – 1:

This process will definitely help to lighten the skin complexion and also prevents from the scars development on the skin.

Cotton ball

Take a lemon and squeeze its juice freshly in a bowl
Then take a cotton ball and dip it in this juice
Dab it on the skin especially on the face and other darker parts of the skin
Let it sit for about 20 – 30 minutes and wash it with water
Daily application of this lemon juice will remove the dark discoloration of the skin.

Method – 2:


Take a lemon and cut it into two halves
Then take one half and rub it on the skin gently
Rub this gently on the face for about 10 – 15 minutes
Leave this on the face and other dark applied skin for another 10 – 15 minutes
Wash it with water and follow this regularly for more effective results.

Method – 3: (For Oily Skin)

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Rose water – 2 teaspoon
Fuller’s earth – 1 teaspoon

Take a bowl and add lemon juice, rose water and fuller’s earth on it
Stir it well to make it like paste or face mask
Apply this paste on the face and other darker parts of the skin
Let it sit for about 15 – 30 minutes and then rinse the applied skin with water

Method – 4: (Dry Skin)

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Honey – 1 teaspoon
Olive oil – 1 teaspoon
Lukewarm water

Take a mixing bowl and add all these ingredients to it
Mix it well except the lukewarm water to make it like fine mixture.
Apply this mixture on the skin where you have dark patches and massage it gently for couple of minutes
Leave it on for about 10 – 15 minutes and rinse this skin with lukewarm water.

Method – 5:

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Turmeric powder – 1 teaspoon
Cold water

Take equal quantities of lemon juice and turmeric powder in a small bowl
Stir it well and apply this on the darkened area of the skin
Let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes to get dried completely
Wash it with cold water but make sure that not to expose your skin in the sun for an hour or two after this process
Doing this application process after bed time is more advisable to escape from the sun attack on the skin.

Method – 6:

Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Powdered milk – 1 teaspoon
Honey – 1 teaspoon

Take equal amount of all the ingredients and mix it well to make it like paste
Apply this paste on the skin and allow it to sit for 15 – 20 minutes
Rinse it with water and repeat this once daily till you get the desired brighter look of the skin.

Make sure that not to go out in sun after applying the lemon juice on the skin as this juice will makes the skin sensitive to the ultra violet sunrays that in turn leads to more discoloration of the skin.
Never ever apply lemon juice on the open wounds of the skin.
Applying lemon can cause dryness to the skin, so it’s best to apply moisturizer on the lemon applied part of the skin.
You have to dilute the lemon juice with equal parts of water before applying especially if you have sensitive skin.
